Strategic Management Ucc CoDE Exams 2019/2020 Past Question & Answers

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1. When a company pursue a few segment of the overall market and aims to be lowest cost company, it is following a

2. An example of concentration strategy is

3. A leading strategic business unit in an expanding industry is a

4. The basic form of organizational design is

5. Performing analyses to match internal with external forces is part of

6. The forces of competition do not include

7. Wheelen and Hunger (2006) identified…….steps in the resource based approach to strategy analysis.

8. An example of marketing activity is

9. According to Pearce and Robinson (2003) there are……..basic Resources.

10. The last of the six stages of Multinationlization is

11. An objective of a business to increase sales reflects

12. A set of written and unwritten rules and assumptions about behaviour is

13. Self-regulation of business conduct is

14. An example of social or cultural factor is

15. A group of companies that offer products that satisfy similar customers' need is a/an

16. The process of strategic management starts with

17. All of the following are dimensions of strategic issues except

18. A financial benefit of strategic management is

19. Formulating of strategies and setting of objectives are performed at the at the

20. Strategy evaluation does not include

Answer ANY TWO (2) Questions from this section.

1 (a) Identify and explain the levels of Strategic Management

(b) Explain four (4) guidelines for effective Strategic Management
[12 marks]


2(a) Describe in four (4) ways how objectives are important to an organization.

(b) Explain four (4) responsibilities of business as expressed by Carroll.
[12 marks]


3(a) Explain three (3) reasons to justify industry and competitive analysis.
[8 marks]

(b). Explain each of the following strategies
 [12 marks]

  • Market Penetration
  • Market development
  • Product Development
  • Concentric Diversification


4 (a) Describe the sequence of growth strategy of firms
[8 marks]

(b) Explain four (4) human resource functions involved in getting the right people into the right jobs in the right time
[12 marks]

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