Language And Linguistics Sem 1 Exams UccCoDE 2020/2021

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1. One of the responsibilities of the sender of a message is to ensure that the message is complex.

2. A telephone conversation is an example of intra-personal communication.

3. The airstream mechanism is not mandatory for sound production in humans.

4. Bilabial sounds are consonant sounds which are articulated by touching the lower lip with the tip of the tongue.

5. Heterographs are words that have a different meaning and spelling, but sound the same.

6. Which of the four language skills is described as a "cultural invention"?

7. The connection between the form and meaning of some words is referred to as

8. The ability to communicate either by speech or writing is called

9. In which way do we communicate when we express our needs?

10. Which property of language enables us to create new forms of language?

11. The function of language that focuses on the message itself and how it is used is the

12. Which of the following is not strictly a feature of speech?

13. When speech seems inconclusive, we say it is/has

14. The word communication is derived from which language?

15. The use of photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to convey information is ...... communication.

16. The organ generating the airstream is called the

17. Which organ of speech can be narrowed or widened?

18. A vowel sound that glides successively through three qualities is a

19. Distinguishing every human sound from the other sounds is the .... property of language being enhanced.

20. Which part of the larynx is popularly called the "Adam's apple"?

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