HIV/AIDS And Other Endemic Diseases In Africa Sem 2 Quiz 2 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Who defined discrimination as positive or negative behaviour towards a social group and its members?

2. The forceful engagement of another into any sexual contact whether married or not which humiliates the other person is referred to as

3. Johnson (1935) defined war as armed conflict between population groups conceived of as

4. Which of the following is faced by displayed persons during wars?

5. The type of war that occurs when one civilization attempts to expand at the expense of the other is termed ...... war.

6. Areas in education that may be affected by HIV/AIDS include all but except

7. The identification that a group creates about a group or group of people based on some physical, behavioural or social traits which do not conform to the normal is termed

8. Which one of the following is not a sexual abuse strategy employed by a male boss at the work place to seduce a female staff?

9. The psychological trauma experienced by persons living with HIV/AIDS can lead to

10. Grace opens her door to welcome Esther who is a stranger and offered her some food. This is an example of ....

11. Gossips about people living with HIV/AIDS fall under which type of stigma.

12. The type of war that takes place within boundaries of a sovereign nation is termed as ..... war.

13. The term displaced persons is specifically placed into three categories. Which of the following is not one of the categories?

14. Stigma and discrimination against the infected and the affected is not an effect of HIV/AIDS.

15. War is a complex multi-dimensional phenomenon and as such has many causes?

16. This type of stigma has a damaging effect on the mental wellbeing of people living with HIV or from the affected population.

17. Which of the following persons defined discrimination as the positive or negative behaviour towards a social group and its members?

18. Which one of the following is odd among what a victim should do when sexually abused?

19. Johnson Millar and Ashworth had the word 'conflict' in their definitions of war.

20. Effects of stigma and discrimination include all the following denials except

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