The Use Of English Sem 1 Quiz 1 UccCoDE 2021/2022

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1. Which of the following is not a reason why English is regarded as the most important language of the world?

2. The English language is about how many years old?

3. The following were among the Germanic tribes which invaded England around the 5" Century AD except

4. The people living in England before the Germanic invasion spoke languages that are collectively known as

5. The Old English period is sometimes described as the period of

6. The King James version of the Bible is written in

7. Which of the following factors accounts for the continued use of English in former British colonies?

8. In China, Mandarin is used as the official language and the medium of instruction. In the university, however, science and technology programmes subscribed by international students are taught in English. The status of English in this context can best be described as a/ an

9. Which of the following countries falls under Kachru's (1985) expanding circle?

10. Which of the following factors is most important in the early spread of English in Ghana?

11. Which mission was more committed to the government policy of the use of English in schools during the colonial period in Ghana?

12. Which of the following is not a speech organ?

13. Which of the following best defines 'phoneme'?

14. Which of the following is not a feature of the phoneme /b/?

15. Choose the odd one out of the following phonemes.

16. Which of the following phonemes is not a fricative?

17. Which of the following is important in describing the difference between vowels?

18. The airstream mechanism that is typically associated with the production of English speech is the pulmonic ingressive airstream.

19. Speech sounds in whose production there is obstruction of airflow in the vocal track are called consonants.

20. South Africa is a typical example of English as a native speaker (ENS) country

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