Strategic Management Quiz 2 Ucc CoDE 2019/2020 Questions & Answers

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1. Industries characterized by falling demand, declining number of competitors and narrowing of the product line is at the life cycle stage of

2. According to Chandler, the initial growth strategy of firms is

3. The final growth strategy of firms as noted by Chandler is

4. One disadvantage of geographic organizational structure is its

5. A totally centralized organizational structure is

6. Michael Porter noted that a firm can attempt to seek a competitive advantage based on one of ……..generic strategies.

7. A strategy of producing products and service that fill the needs of small groups of consumers at least cost is

8. Organizations that pursue low-cost strategy enjoy competitive advantage based on

9. A stable growth strategy is

10. Many organization in public utility, transportation and insurance industries follow

11. Communicating policies to organizational members on need-to-know basis reflects

12. A policy which requires a minimum down payment of 10 percent of the purchase price of a house is an example of policy of a

13. An example of marketing policy is

14. …………… occurs when two or more sponsoring firms form a separate organization for cooperative purpose

15. Product development as a strategy is appropriate when

16. A strategy which seeks to increase market share for present products in present market through greater marketing effort is

17. Adding new, unrelated products or services for present customers is

18. The initial stage in a company’s internationalization is

19. A leading strategic business unit with high market share and low growth is a

20. Business unit strength is influenced by

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