Curriculum Studies In Social Studies Seme 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. What general term is given to the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life?

2. Which of the following gurus in social studies averred that the subject is as wide as the world itself and as lengthy as the history of man on this earth.

3. A written statement which provides justification for documenting the social studies syllabus is called ....

4. How many periods are allocated to social studies per week according to the JHS time table?

5. The underlying behaviours for teaching, learning and assessment in social studies is called

6. In the teaching and learning of social studies, how much percentage weight is allocated to attitude and values?

7. In a social studies lesson, Kofi was taught that children must always provide unconditional services to the aged. After closing from school that day, Kofi helped a visually impaired old man to cross the road at a zebra-crossing. With specific regard to the use of knowledge in social studies, at which knowledge level is Kofi operating?

8. A student who is able to give a summary of the headteacher's speech during a speech and price giving day is said to be operating at what level of knowledge?

9. In Social Studies, assessment take the form of quizzes and end-of-semester exams only

10. Which of the following is not an action verb for stating instructional objectives?

11. Instructional objectives indicate what the teacher can do at the end of the lesion.

12. Who conceptualized assessment as the use of empirical data on student learning to refine programmes and improve student learning.

13. When a teacher develops a test consisting of items that are based on a representative sample of the specific objectives taught, the test is called

14. A student who scores 70 percent in a social studies quiz deserves which of the following value judgements?

15. Social studies deals with only current affairs

16. The syllabus is a substitute for lesson plan

17. Which of the following is not the basis for teaching the social studies syllabus?

18. Under attitudes and values, the ability of the learner to follow directions, listen, show awareness and sensitivity, ask questions and reply to same is called

Study the following syllabus reference numbers and use them to answer questions 19 and 20: 1.3.5

19. The first digit (1) implies

20. The second digit (3) refers to ....

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