General Principles And Methods Of Teaching In Basic Schools Sem 1 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Which of the following is not included in a scheme of work?

2. According to Centinkayo (2011), what is the major complications of classroom management?

3. Which is not a benefit of effective communication?

4. Which of the following does not influence the selection of instructional skills?

5. All the following are specific instructional bchaviours except

6. In brainstorming, the teacher can use all the following except

7. A dyad can be described as a

8. All the under listed are types of case studies except

9. Apart from being fun, role play helps children to do one of the following.

10. The proponent of the demonstration method of teaching is

11. Which of the following is not a model of instruction as described by Joyce. Weil and Calhoun?

12. A positive change in the behaviour of the pupil is the

13. The term for teaching that comprises a body of knowledge and skills supported by various theories of learning is

14. The term for teaching that comprises a body of knowledge and skills supported by various theories of learning is

15. The type of class, average age of pupils, number on roll, day, time, duration of lesson, reference books and topic or sub-topic written in a lesson plan are generally termed as what aspect of a lesson?

16. Any time that children are busy, it means they are engaged in one of the following.

17. According to Mayesky (1990), all these are characteristics of play except

18. Define concepts cannot be learned without

19. Discovery learning is also known as ..... learning.

20. Bruner (1961) is a supporter of the ...... learning

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