General Principles And Methods Of Teaching In Basic Schools Sem 2 Exams Section A UccCoDE 2021/2022

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1. The term for teaching that comprises a body of knowledge and skills supported by various theories of learning is

2. The type of class, average age of pupils, number on roll, day, time, duration of lesson, reference books and topic or sub-topic written in a lesson plan are generally termed as what aspect of a lesson?

3. Which of the following is not included in a scheme of work?

4. According to Centinkayo (2011), what is the major complications of classroom management?

5. The method of learning in which a teacher selects what pupils are to learn and presents it to them is termed

6. This strategy refers to the visual presentations of the activities that are related to the facts and principles of a lesson.

7. According to Mangol and Mangol (2009), the most important and indispensable expository strategy employed by teachers during the teaching and learning process is

8. Which of the following is not needed when planning for a lecture?

9. The situation that allows students to know they all have an equal chance of responding to a teacher's question is termed

10. Which type of repetition technique is used to help pupils to over learn?

11. The causes of disruptive behaviours can be grouped under one of the following factors.

12. What term is given to a deliberate change in the behaviour of a teacher when he/she wants to sustain learners' attention throughout a lesson?

13. Which is not a benefit of effective communication?

14. Discovery learning is also known as .... learning

15. Bruner (1961) is a supporter of the ..... learning.

16. In brainstorming, the teacher can use all the following except

17. When a student restates a colleague's reasoning in a teacher-led discussion, the act is termed

18. This type of behaviour occurs when a child has difficulty controlling his/her actions.

19. All the following are examples of "too little" behaviour of desirable kind in the classroom, except failure to ...

20. Horseshoe shapes of seating are best for which type of learning activity?

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