Diverse Learning Needs / Special Education Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The following are all features of Inclusion except that

2. The five major clauses that spelt out inclusive education are found in

3. Negative attitude adversely affects a person with disability in all these areas except

4. With the following me reasons for promoting inclusive education?
I. It is the right of persons with disabilities.
II. It is a means to restructure schools.
III. It promotes parental involvement.
IV. It does away with labelling.

5. Which is the least important in terms of the benefits of inclusive education to the family?

6. What term describes a situation where the disabled are regarded as part of the school but treated differently?

7. What model sees the disabled to be responsible for his or her own condition?

8. In classifying factors serving as barriers to inclusive education, where will you place lack of funding?

9. Why is it important for teachers to plan and cater for diverse learning needs?

10. Renzulli's (1978) characteristics of the gifted and talented include all the following except

11. What type of support service is dealt with when it is as needed basis?

12. In this type of learning disability, the learner experiences acute reading problems.

13. The autistic has the following characteristics except

14. What is being considered if interest is in how long a behaviour is engaged in?

15. What name is given to a hearing loss where there are complications in the outer car?

16. The part of the car that first receives sound waves is..

17. What term is used to describe the distance the eye can see?

18. What are examples of neurological conditions?
I. Arthritis
II. Cerebral palsy
III. Clubfoot
IV. Epilepsy

19. Communication only occurs whenever there is verbal and/or nonverbal exchange.

20. Learning disability occurs only when there is central nervous system dysfunction.

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