Assistant Director I Promotion Promising Questions And Answers Part 1

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1. Which of the following is not a value of the educational sector?

2. What is the core mandate of the Ghana Education Service?

3. The Governing body of the Ghana Education Service is the……

4. Distinguish between Scheme of Work, S, and Terms and Conditions of Service, T.

5. The only apex disciplining authority that has the power to endorse any recommendation to summarily dismiss a teaching and non-teaching personnel from the GES is the……

6. Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFUND) provides support mainly in the area of……

7. Under the new primary school curriculum reform, “standard-based curriculum” means

8. The processes that improve the quality of teaching and learning are……

I. Use of questioning, illustrations and demonstrations in lesson delivery
II. Creation of opportunities for all learners to express their views
III. Encouragement of learner-initiated tasks through motivation such as praise and friendly dialogue
IV. Effective class control by following established rules and conduct and checking disruptive behavior
V. Use of appropriate procedures for assessing learners’ work

9. A teacher is to use appropriate methods, techniques and sound principles of teaching and learning such as:

I. building on past learning or previous knowledge and positive reinforcement
II. providing guidance and practice in class before independent practice
III. motivating and sustaining pupils’ interest
IV. involving each learner in the teaching/learning process
V. distributing evaluative questions evenly

10. Complete the following Vision Statement of the Ghana Education Service. The Ghana Education Service seeks to create an enabling environment in all educational institutions and management positions that will……

11. Which of the following is not a specific duty of the Ghana Education Service?

12. In a learner-centred school, which of the following activities would the school head encourage?

13. Which of the following statements about student grouping is correct?

14. A test that measures a student’s knowledge or skill in relation to a curriculum standard is

15. Which of the following statements about teacher performance evaluation is not correct?

The process can be………

16. Which of the following statements about teacher summative performance evaluation is correct? The primary purpose is to……

17. Which of the following statements about cooperative learning is correct? Cooperative learning………

18. In performance evaluation, merit and worth are important concepts. Which of the following statements about them is correct?

19. Which of the following is/are data produced by norm-referenced tests?

20. Which of the following statements about interdisciplinary teacher teaming is incorrect?

21. Which of the following statements about a multi-track, year-round calendar is correct?

22. In a typical teaching and learning environment, students are most likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn when they……

23. Which of the following statements about school culture is correct?

24. Which of the following statements accurately describes the process of reaching consensus? Consensus……

25. Decisions about what to do to improve schools entail higher levels of uncertainty. Why?

26. School philosophy is a cornerstone for continuous school improvement. Which of the following best explains a school philosophy? School philosophy…

27. In an open climate,……

28. A conflict matrix in relation to time tabling is designed to determine which of following? Courses that……

29. As a strategy to improve schools, which statement is false about intensification mandates?

30. Teachers pursing moral and ethical behaviour in their schools usually……

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