Assistant Director I Promotion Promising Questions And Answers Part 5

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31. Mathematics teachers often engage students in a cognitive exercise termed as Mentals. What type of Assessment can this activity be captured?

32. A theory in practice that helps students align with personal goals, foster positive relationships with others, and aim to achieve their best would be considered which type of psychological approach?

33. Who is the exponent of experience centered curriculum?

34. “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words” was the slogan of

35. Balanced curriculum is also known as

36. “All systems of ideas are subject to verification by consequences” is the core of the Philosophy of

37. Which Philosophy says, “Don’t care to know various theories about body and soul, do good and be good, that will take you to whatever truth there is”?

38. Which of the following is not a defence mechanism ?

39. The fundamental national values have been given in

40. Which Philosophy believes in the duality of existence, prakriti and soul?

41. The teacher has been glorified by the phrase "Friend, philosopher and guide" because:

42. The most important cause of failure for teacher lies in the area of:

43. A teacher can establish rapport with his students by:

44. Education is a powerful instrument of:

45. A teacher's major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the student is affected through:

46. Research problem is selected from the stand point of:

47. Which one is called non-probability sampling?

48. Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in:

49. The essence of collaboration for students' learning—a fundamental way to teach concepts in the context of multiple subjects at once is referred to as…………

50. The motive behind the promotion of an effective classroom environment is to ensure

51. Fair Wages and Salaries Commission was established with Act 2007, (Act 737)

52. Human Resource Management Department, Logistics & Supplies and Finance and Administration are under the Deputy Director-General (Quality and Access).

53. MOE formulates National Educational Policies at all levels whilst GES implements approved MOE policies at all levels.

54. As far as the Ghana Education Service is concerned, there are two major laws/regulations.

  • The Ghana Education Service Act 1995, (Act 506)
  • The Education Act 2008 (778).

55. The bodies under the Ministry of Education are termed agencies whilst the bodies under the Ghana Education Service are termed Units.

56. Research has shown that when teachers are emotionally competent, are desirous of new and current knowledge and are enthusiastic about maintaining a reputable professional standing, they are better placed at the centre of education delivery.

57. Vision may be explained as a target or an objective aimed at to help achieve a strategic result.

58. When applying to the GES Office to seek for approval to embark on an excursion with pupils, the Teacher needs to be mindful of the fact that GES policy does not allow night travels and that movement of pupils should take place between 6am and 6pm.

59. Tax evasion is criminal and punishable by law

60. Decolonisation ensures freeing all States under colonial rule in Africa. This is an objective of the Organisation of African Union.

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