GES Promotion To PS, AD 2, AD1, DD Question & Answers Part 2

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1. Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning?

2. "Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words", was the slogan of the

3. If any girl child does not come to school regularly you will

4. "Project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding on a social environment", it was defined by

5. Which of the following is not related to educational achievement?

6. "Coherence' is the criterion of truth is

7. Education of children with special needs should be provided

8. Who emphasized that the aim of education should be the development in children the feeling of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding?

9. Special education is related to

10. The family imparts education to the child

11. The most important trait of a student is

12. The child who reads numbers wrongly has the following learning disability

13. Which of the following is correctly arranged?

14. That the mind of an infant is a tabula rasa is the contribution of:

15. What should be the role of teachers in meeting the individual differences?

16. Kindergarten (KG) system of education is indebted to

17. Who are responsible for the development of traits?

18. "Cultural Lag' is the term used by

19. Performance tests are termed as.

20. In a kindergarten class it would be unreasonable to expect a child to:

21. Suppose fourteen years old girl has taken to wearing the same style sweaters that her teacher wears, then this form of behaviour is known as

22. The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by

23. A stimulus that elicits a response before the experimental manipulation is a (an):

24. "Trial & Error theory of learning was given by:

25. The aim of all life is death', this quote from Siemund Freud's work refers to:

26. Which of the following statements about teaching aids are not correct?

27. Which of the following is not a prescribed level of teaching?

28. Effective teaching is a function of

29. A person can enjoy teaching as a profession when he

30. Classical conditioning is based in the idea of learning by

31. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test?

32. What is the aim of education?

33. Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher's house for the purpose, the teacher should

34. "In youth we learn in age, we understand". What does this statement indicate?

35. On the first day of his class, if a teacher is asked by the students to introduce himself, he should

36. Who said "children have innate inclination to imitate their seniors, both in mental and social development"?

37. The primary responsibility for the teacher's adjustment lies with

38. What do you understand by the term Peer Group?

39. Who said this "Education is man making. It is that by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, intellect is expanded and by which man can stand on his own

40. The rate of habituation is an indication of:

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