Sociology Past / Likely Questions And Answers Part 4 – KNUST

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1. Position occupied by someone in society is recognized as his

2. Things used to identify one's social status are called

3. The behavior attached to social status is described as

4. People of society who share commonness in several things form

5. Social integration is level to which members of a society feel

6. Specifying a task for a person is

7. Stereotype is a/an

8. Stereotype is an assumption that is

9. Collaboration of two or more people in a work is called

10. Dyad is

11. Emigration means

12. Life span means

13. Within the year group, the major emphasis is upon

14. "Brain washing" consists of extreme and intensive

15. The sociogram is best described as a sociological

16. A caste system as a pure theoretical type is based upon

17. Social class position in a true "open class" structure is based upon

18. A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by

19. A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendant from a common area is known as

20. A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is

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