Basic Cytology And Genetics Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022 Questions & Answers

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1. An elephant is to multicellular as a bacterium is to......

2. Which type of microscope did Anton von Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) used to observe bacteria and protozoa?

3. Which of these is not a life process that can be carried out by cells?

4. In the Cell Theory, "all cells come from pre-existing cells by division" means cells .....

5. The type of cell arrangement in grape-like clusters is ........ arrangement

6. An area of cytoplasm in a prokaryotic cell that contains DNA molecule is the ...... region

7. The nuclear membrane is double-layered. True or False?

8. Cells with larger surface area has a lower rate of material exchange in and out of the cell. True of False?

9. Which of these is an example of prokaryotic cell?

10.A mammalian red blood cell does not possess .....

11. Spherical organelles which contain enzymes that help in maintaining the physiologic turnover of cellular constituents is ....

12. The name nucleus which is derived from Latin originally means .....

13. What is described as the "post-office" of the cell?

14. In which of these organs can meiosis occur?

15. All the following are found in both plant and animal cells except .....

16. Which of these is not part of the nucleus?

17. The two types of endoplasmic reticulum are .......

18. The organelle that is responsible for the synthesis of energy is the .......

19. The lysosome was discovered by the Belgian cytologist ....... in 1949.

20. What is the main purpose of the light dependent reactions in photosynthesis?

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