Child And Adolescent Dev. And Learning Sem 1 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. With the exception of ...... the rest are part of the key concepts evolved from Pavlov's experiment.

2. The Echoic Memory may last for ........ seconds.

3. A type of implicit memory that stores information about how to do things is referred to as ....... memory.

4. The psychologist who suggested that memory traces dissolve because they are not well defined or organized was a ....... psychologist.

5. Who defined transfer of learning, "as the extent to which the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired can be applied, generalized, and maintained over time"?

6. Who is referred to as the "father of Adolescence Psychology?"

7. The characteristics of Piaget's pre-operational stage include all the under listed except .......

8. The fifth stage of Eric Erikson's stages of psychosocial development talks of ......

9. Under which stage of language development do children use prepositions and articles, plurals and pronouns as well as inflections?

10. The Reception learning and Discovery learning were propounded respectively by Jerome Bruner and David Ausubel.

11. Who defined learning as "the process of acquiring a relatively permanent change in understanding, attitude, knowledge, information, ability and skill through experience"

12. Psychology as a science requires observable measurable subject matter. That subject matter is also referred to as ......

13. A decrease in the strength of response to a repeated stimulus can be called ......

14. Tabula rasa simply means ....

15. This type of pedagogy helps students to develop their social and intellectual skills in order to live more actively as part of a democratic society.

16. The acquisition of relatively stable and enduing traits and a sense of self as an individual falls under one of the following domains.

17. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as a foundation for a system of belief is known as a ......

18. Development begins from the head region and proceeds to the torso, arms and legs. This type of development is known as .....

19. The following major activities occur in neonates except .....

20. The essential layer that forms vital organs like the liver, lungs pancreas, intestines, other tubes and glands in the body is known as .....

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