Communication Skills I Sem 1 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2019/2020 Questions & Answers

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1. A letter/group fletters placed before a word/root to create a different word is known as a/an ....

2. In determining the meaning of unfamiliar words the prefix "Con" means ....

3. R in the SQ3R approach means .....

4. Words are emphasized by an author and written in italics/capitals/underlined to help in ....

5. The form of reading widely with the aim of getting information to enrich personal knowledge is known as ....

6. A record of knowledge one acquires to help him/her to get back to the knowledge at a later time is known as a/an ....

7. A faithful recording or writing down of what one hears during a lecture/interview is known as .....

8. A spidergram is also referred as to nuclear note.

9. Writing "The policy was impracticable" instead of "The policy was one that cannot be put into practice" means one is summarizing a ....

10. The use of voice or body language gesture by a lecturer during lectures is an example of ..... items.

11. Skimming is used to find a name on a list or get a specific answer to a question.

12. What type of reading can be adapted when one is looking for his name on the admission list?

13. Which of the following is a principle of scanning? The reader must look

14. Both skimming and scanning reading styles are very useful for studies.

15. Developing good vocabulary can add to your ability to do all these except .....

16. Both note-making and note-taking involve planning.

17. Note-taking aids comprehension of a piece of information.

18. Using few sentences with only essential facts and leaving out much o) what is less important means one is ......

19. A kind of fast or speed reading which involves reading quickly in order to locate a particular information is known as ....

20. The sentence which contains controlling idea of a paragraph is a ....

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