Information Literacy Skills (ILT 101D) End of Semester II Exams Section “A” Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The knowledge of when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner can be termed as

2 Which of the following techniques allows users to filter unwanted information from searches? The use of ......

3. The under-listed criteria can be used in evaluating information sources except ....

4. The moral, economic and legal conducts surrounding the access and use of information is known as the ...... of information.

5. Meta-search engine can be described as a search engine that searches

6. By considering the best way to gather information, the ....... standard of information literacy skills is being considered.

7. Mozilla Firefox is an example of a/an .....

8. The main function of an academic library is to support teaching, learning and ....... ..

9. "I am a library that has print and soft copy resources made accessible to a community of users". Who am I? ....... library.

10. The overall impact of Information Literacy Skills as a course is geared towards helping students

11. What is the use of hyperlinks in an electronic document?

12. Which of the following reference materials is the best choice for checking on correct pronunciations?

13. What will you call me if I provide recent information on a subject or personality?

14. Which of the following is not a function of the national library?

15. A/An ....... directs one to where information can be obtained.

16. Descriptive and prescriptive usage of a reference material applies to a/an ........

17. The collections of a/an ............. library is mainly made up of pamphlets, magazines journals and technical papers.

18. Students can confidently rely on every piece of information derived from search engines for academic work.

19. .......... is a misuse of the Internet.

20. What name is given to the computer that controls access to the resources on a network?

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