Computer Literacy (EBS 107) Semester I Quiz II Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. What are the three different categories that application software is divided into?

2. Which of these Programs create text-based documents.

3. What programs organize, analyze and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports?

4. Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations is ....

5. The type of graphic user interface (GUl) that uses tabs to organize groups of related items is known as ...

6. A Website that provides access to specific mobile apps is called a(n)

7. Which one of the following is a key function of firewall?

8. Unauthorized copying of software to be used for personal gain or personal backups is called ....

9. Like a virus, itis a self-replicating program that also propagates through computer network.

10. The most common security failure is .....

11. Trojan-Horse programs .....

12. MCAfee is an example of .....

13. To protect a computer from viruses, you should install ...... on your computer.

14. VIRUS stands for ....

15. Which of the following is/are threats for electronic payment systems?

16. Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs)?

17. 17. Which of the following represents the fastest data transmission speed?

18. Servers are other computer which provide resources to other computers connected by .....

19. What is the use of bridge in network?

20. A combination of hardware and software that allows communication and electronic transfer of information between computer is a ....

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