Child And Adolescent Dev. And Learning (105D) Sem 1 Quiz II Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. One of the under listed is not part of the key characteristics of transfer of learning identified by Bransford, Brown and Cocking (1999).

2. Which of the following people used bridging as a strategy for teaching for transfer.

3. The strategies for teaching for a transfer involves all these except ...

4. Teaching the instructional target in multiple contents, using visual representation, and making transfer explicit all happen ...... the instruction

5. Weak associative cues, poor encoding and transience are some of the reasons why we forget.

6. If some information is put in the memory in a form that the memory can use, it means ..... has taken place.

7. All these are types of memory except .....

8 Factors that promote retention include all the under listed except .....

9. Miller and Matzel (2006) are associated with one of the following theories.

10. The following are general types of transfer of learning except ..... transfer.

11. Learning can be defined as a function of the interaction between personal and environmental factors. This can be written as ...

12. The philosophers who think that knowledge is based on experience are known as...

13. Which type of reinforcement occurs when a response or undesirable behaviour is followed by an aversive stimulus?

14. Discovery Icarning requires all the under listed except ....

15. One of these is not a type of cooperative learning.

16. One of the under listed defined learning as "a relative permanent change in behavioural potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice"

17. Which of these is a chemical found in the brain that is associated with pleasure, learning among other behaviours?

18. One of the under listed is not true. Pedagogy helps teachers to ...

19. Stereotypes are usually divided into ....

20. Using different types of measures to exhibit different types of what has been learnt by a child means that learning outcomes are ....

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