Event Management (ADM 304D) Semester II Exams Section ‘A’ Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. An agreement between parties who have the capability, for a price measured in terms of money which agreement is intended to bind parties and is enforceable by a court of law is called

2. Which of the following is not part of the key activities to be included in the action plan?

3. Events have some similarities with projects except events are ....

4. Which of the following is the third step in the event lifecycle?

5. Which of the following is not a guideline for developing an event budget?

6. All the following are part of event revenue except ....

7. Financial report provided by local authorities and local ministries for an event is called ...

8. Which of the following is not a typical kind of special events?

9. A vegetarian who does not consume red meat, white meat, fish, or fowl but consumes dairy products and egg products are called

10. A catering services style where chefs freshly prepare and serve foods at the buffet as guests wait and watch is called ...

11. According to Eventbrite (2017), the following are the reasons why firms sponsor events except

12. Which of the following is the fourth stage in writing a sponsorship proposal?

13. The following are ways to make event attendees happy except ....

14. Which of the following is not a factor to consider in choosing the right entertainment for an event?

15. Which of the following is a social event challenge?

16. The kind of events organized by a host for the purpose of socializing, conversation, and recreation as an independent program is called?

16. The kind of events organized by a host for the purpose of socializing, conversation, and recreation as an independent program is called?

17. Which historical era is regarded as the first-ever events planner and most events organized around her era centered on promoting love, peace, and friendship among people, tribes, and clans are called .....

18. Which of the following events is considered an event that attracts a large amount of media coverage, economic benefit, and visitors?

19. Developing an event based on the benefits the event audience seek is called ....

20. A set of attributes buyers normally expect when they purchase an event such as music being played, and the venue is clean and safe is called

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