English Language Antonyms (Opposite) Past Questions & Ans | WASSCE 2000 – 2003

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In the following sentences, there is one word underlined and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one word that is most nearly OPPOSITE IN MEANING to the underlined word and that will at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. After years of extravagant living, the young man has now become . . . ...

2. Koomson worked tirelessly to relieve the sick from ...... in order to give them some comfort.

3. She is supposed to distribute the rice, not......it

4. Though uncouth in her school days, Mansa now appears quite ... ....

5. Far from being ......... the new prefect can be unforgiving.

6. The magistrate did not discover the truth accidentally but did so .........

7. ..........soldiers are not supposed to be afraid of death.

8. In spite of the fact that Kojo admires the colour of the book, he .......... its contents.

9. The boy looked down on the collector for his recklessness but respected the driver for his ...

10. We don't want to entertain lazy and.......people together.

11. Preaching about mundane things in the pulpit is unacceptable, but.... . maters are welcome in the pulpit.

12. We thought we had a refined leader in Stephen, but he proved to be ............

13. When Salamatu was promoted, she rose from the bottom to the ......... of her career.

14. Instead of treating their leaders with respect,
the students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . them.

15. They made nasty comments about John but I
found him..............

16. This book is .........but there are some exciting portions.

17. The politician gave evasive answers to the journalist's.... questions.

18. The accused claimed that the killing was not premeditated but rather ............

19. A lot of workers here resent the manager's policies but Kojo seems to ....... them.

20. We should not think our team's defeat is inevitable, it is .....
.. if we train hard.

21. 61. Although smoking is prohibited in the library, it is . . . . . . . in the rest rooms.

22. The proposed policy will either hinder or..... economic growth.

23. The aroma of the stew contrasts greatly with the ............. from the gutter.

24. Tell us who perished and who.......the plane crush.

25. Referees are expected to be fair but their decisions are sometimes....

26. The rules bar smoking in the club although drinking is. . . . . . . . . . . . ..

27. Everybody thought the lecturer was very learned but they found his arguments

28. Last year, she ......... to be my wife, but now she is rejecting me.

29. When we demanded a detailed account, he gave us a ........ estimate.

30. You must conceal this information from your daughter, otherwise she will ......... it to her friends.

31. We concluded that what he told us was a tall story rather than a/an ......………one.

32. I have become accustomed to his antics, though I found them .......... at first.

33. Because of his illness, Quansah was ...... to his room while he itched to be free.

34. Instead of being ........... Musah proved unfaithful to his wife.

35. Oscar was so angry that I could .......... believe my eyes.

36. Akua expected to find her husband gloomy: he was .....

37. ..................is important when hunting; for carelessness can lead to one's death.

38. He did not go there unconcerned; he was.....

39. Everyone expected Maggie to be gorgeously dressed but she looked...

40. The students' arguments appeared sound to me, but they were dismissed as

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