Principles Of Management II (IC) Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Past Questions & Answers

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1. Buying a new car or home demands........skills

2. Which people developed the first known alphabet?

3. Modern day word processing involves the use of

4. Popular programmes used for word processing include

5. If one makes an error in the computer keyboard, one corrects it by

6. To communicate, meaning is added to........ or word.

7. The meaning one gets from a word is a combination of its........and connotation

8. Words which affect people's emotions positively are referred to as

9. Messages that are used to communicate to others without using words are called ....... communication.

10. Facial expression can be classified under ..... communication.

11. All the following are used in transmitting information except

12. Communication refers to exchange of

13. The most complex issue in the communication process is the ability to

14. When one improves their ability to communicate by acquiring their speaking, reading, writing and listening skill, one can communicate

15. To fill application forms for employment one needs ..... skills

16. Problems resulting from communication mishaps are caused by ignorance of

17. In human behavior, needs and goals are determined by

18. All humans need some environment in which to communicate. This is referred to as our ....... space.

19. What basic things do we need before we turn our attention to other thing?

20. There are ........ Rungs or needs.

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