Assessement In Basic Sch / Education Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The collection, evaluation and use of information to help the teacher to make decisions that improves student learning is

2. Validity refers to the ...

3. Predictive and concurrent validity are types of ...... related evidence of validity.

4. Which type of evaluation involves judgment about worth made during the design or development of instructional procedures, curricular or educational programmes?

5. A district Physical Education coordinator randomly sorted 100 children into five teams and numbered the teams 1 through 5. What scale of measurement did he/she use?

6. Which of the following scores can vary across assessments of individuals?

7. A teacher made a statement, "The test helped me to identify where students were weak" this quote can be referred to as

8. Students are taught the concepts of "Validity" and "Reliability" and are required to recognize or explain the similarities and differences between them. This is Quellmalz's cognitive level of

9. Construct-related validity evidence can be ascertained by

10. One general principle of assessment is that

11. Learning objectives are important for classroom assessment because they

12. Which of the following is a category in the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Affective Domain?

13. Criterion-related evidence for a test can be obtained by

14. One condition that is sufficient for the validation of a classroom test in Assessment in Education is that there should be evidence that the

15. Which of the learning ohjectives in Bloom's revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is the most complex?

16. The general products of laming are known as a / an educational .....

17. The type of evaluation where testing becomes an integral part of the instructional or educational process is

18. Instructional outcomes that aim at inculcating in students movement abilities is concerned with which the

19. All the following can lower the validity of assessment results except

20. Which of the following is not a major profile dimension?

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