Assessment In Basic Sch / Education Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2022/2023

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1. The statement "The test helped me to identify where students were weak" refers to which component of classroom assessment?

2. The following are general principles of assessment except ....

3. Goals, objectives and expectations focus on what...

4. What is used to determine how much of a trait, attribute, or characteristic an individual possesses?

5. Goals, objectives and expectations focus on what

6. Mr. Mensah observed his students during a science laboratory session to determine how effectively students can carry out experiments. Mr Mensah

7. The statement, "Enyonam obtained 88% in a Measurement test and won second prize" is an example of

8. Which of the following is not a general principle of assessment?

9. Which of the following answers the question; how well did the students perform?

10. The decision to repeat continuing students who obtain three E's at the end-of-semester examination at the University of Cape Coast, deals with .... decisions.

11. One of the general principles of assessment is that

12. The needs of the society are reflected in the

13. The ability to bring forward an appropriate rule generalization or principle to help solve a problem without being prompted or reminded to do so" is specified in the cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy as

14. Which of the following situations is a criterion-referenced interpretation of a test score?

15. Which of the following statements is correct?

16. In testing our students in the classroom, the scale of measurement we use is?

17. Validity of assessment results depend on the

18. Which of the following involves the interpretation of what has been gathered through measurement, in which value judgements are made about performance?

19. Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole to recognise elements into a new pattern or structure defines which cognitive process dimension of the revised Bloom's taxonomy?

20. Which of the following is not an educational goal?

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