Assessment In Basic Sch / Education Sem 2 Quiz 2 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The stages involve in classroom achievement include all the following except ..... test

2. According to Mehrens and Lehmann (1991) all these factors must be considered when choosing item format except

3. Sampling representatively from the universe of content taught, the teacher can make use of

4. At the evaluation stage of a test development, a teacher asked the question "do the students understand the testing procedures?" What criteria was the teacher trying to achieve?

5. Which of the underlisted items can afford both teacher and the student the opportunity to be individualistic?

6. To measure higher mental processes using multiple-choice items the examiner should

7. A teacher used extended type of essay to assess his students. What will be his major disadvantage of using extended response essay items in the classroom?

8. When administering achievement tests, invigilators....

9. Individual items in a test are written in advance of the test date so that

10. Which of the following factors least governs the number of distractors to be used in a multiple choice test?

11. Which of the following is an appropriate way of writing the individual items in a test?

12. Which of the following scores would not vary across assessments of individuals?

13. A major disadvantage of using the multiple-choice test in the classroom is that ....

14. In administering achievement tests, test administrators should .....

15. Which of the following information to students will not prepare them for maximum performanee in an achievement test?

16. Which of the following is not enhanced by scoring all responses to each essay test item at one sitting?

17. What should the classroom teacher pay attention to first before selecting a particular technique to use in assessing students?

18. All the following factors must be considered in the choice of appropriate format for test construction except

19. When evaluating a test, the question, "do the students understand the testing procedures is considered under ....

20. Which type of reliabifity estimates the equivalence of an assessment instrument using information about the internal consistency of students' responses?

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