Assistant Director I Promotion Promising Questions And Answers Part 6

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61. Coalition of Heads of Basic Schools are members on the District Disciplinary Committee

62. Without principles of management being in place, an organization would have trouble achieving its aims, or even coming up with aims in the first place.

63. The practical difference between Educational Management and Educational Administration is that, the term 'administration' is generally used in government organisations and management is used in business organisations.

64. All teaching personnel have their anniversary dates as their incremental date.

65. Maternity leave is added to annual leave entitlement or leave earned in the leave year is requested by the female teacher.

66. Physically challenged Teachers are entitled to Physically Challenged Transport Allowance which is 20% of their monthly basic salary.

67. Occupational injury or disease does not fall within the other conditions of work as determined by the Joint Negotiating Committee made up of ten (10) persons each from the Government Team and the Unions.

68. When a Teacher is convicted of a criminal offence and imprisoned, he or she would be re-engaged into the service after he or she has fully served the prison sentence and discharged.

69. The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is an individually administered oral assessment of the most basic foundation skills for literacy acquisition in early grades.

70. If a Teacher is well paid, even without supervision he can deliver very well.

71. Value-added assessment focuses on student learning gains in an academic year.

72. Newly trained teachers are socialized in order to perpetuate the culture of the school.

73. A school is considered efficient if inputs are low and outputs are high.

74. Grading students’ performance has a powerful influence on school culture and contributes to shape how students learn both in the classroom and outside of the classroom.

75. Visioning identifies destination; planning provides the goals and strategies to get there.

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