Business Communication Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Past Questions & Answers

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1. Information can be classified by

2. Facial expressions, gestures and movements fall under

3. Mechanical precision underscores the need for

4. One who could be a writer, a speaker, or a person who sends a nonverbal message through gestures and body language is a

5. Verbal communication is communication

6. The context of communication that influence its content and quality may be all of the following except context.

7. Which of the following is not a guideline for writing a good report?

8. What is the main situation when a telephone call will not be suitable?

9. Speech mannerisms, body twitches, unusual dressing or unusual hairstyle which causes distraction in the listening process is which type of barrier

10. Communication is never complete until the sender knows that the message has been received and understood through

11. One of the manners that audience appreciate from a presenter include.

12. Effective communication enables you to provide leadership. This mean that effective communication enhances your ability to......

13. The context in which time influences the effectiveness of communication is called .......... context

14. Which of the following factors can prevent a recipient from decoding a message successfully?

15. Attitudes of rivalry and jealousy are problems that affect ......... communication.

16. The purpose of 'influencing' in business communication is to manipulate others to think or behave in a particular way. To influence our audience, we must

17. By learning your opening and closing remarks by heart you can

18. Mannerism that irritates most members of an audience include

19. Three barriers to effective listening are......

20. The type of interview where managers offer advice to subordinates is termed as ....... interview.

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