Business Law II Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc Code 2020/2021 Past Questions And Answers

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1. ......... property gives full title or ownership right to a good whereas .......... property only gives the right of possession to the good.

2. In Shephered V. Cartwright (1953) it was clearly established that a/an-

3. ......... are things attached to or forming part of the land.

4. Which of the following persons are not recognized as agents of necessity?

I. Bailee
II. Busybodies
III. Gratuitous agent

5. Under contract for sale of goods, when can we conclude that property in unascertained goods have been transferred?

6. Under a hire purchase agreement, upon final payment, the option to purchase the goods has been exercised and title passes to the.....

7. In the case of Barlett v Sydney, the court held that the car was

8. Under a hire purchase agreement, when there is wrongful disposition the

9. The type of agency that is created is where a person having allowed another to believe the existence of a state of affairs cannot after be heard to say that the true state of affairs is different is known as...

10. Which of the following is not an implied term under a hire purchase agreement?

11. Which of the following statements is/are true about factors and brokers?

I. Both factors and brokers are mercantile agents
II. Both factors and brokers have lien on the goods they sell
III. Factors have the power to pledge goods, but brokers do not have the power to pledge goods

12. In Aldridge v Johnson the court held that the contract in contention was that of

13. Which of the following statements is not true about auctioneers?

14. Which of the following distinguishes a gift from barter?

15. According to ........ "agency is the relationship which arises when one person called the principal authorizes another called the agent to act on his behalf and the other agrees to do so. Generally, the relationship arises out of an agreement between the principal and agent"

16. Which of the following is not true about the requirements necessary for the creation of an agency by ratification?

17. A typical hire purchase agreement is made up of two parts namely a/an..

18. Which of the following is not true about agency agreement?

19. Under a hire purchase agreement, as long as there is an outstanding contract sum, the person in possession is deemed to be ......

20. Agents that take additional commission and in return promise that they will indemnify the principal if the third-party with whom they contract became insolvent or defaulted in payment is known as a/an

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