Business Research Methods (BUS 304D) Semester II Exams Section “A” Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The experimental research is one of the most powerful research methodologies researchers use and often the best way to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables. The types of experimental research include the following except .....

2. A test of a statistical hypothesis where the region of rejection is on both sides of the sampling distribution is known as ....

3. This variable is also called explanatory variable because it explains the changes in behaviour of the dependent variable.

4. ICT is good and has come to stay. There are several benefits that researchers can derive from its use. The following are some of the benefits of using ICT in research.

I. Access to large amount of information on the web

II. Economical in terms of money and time

III. Higher turnover

IV. Restricted compass in online research

5. When beginning a review, the researcher must decide on a topic or field of knowledge to examine how much depth to go into and the kind of review to conduct. All but one of the following are some types of reviews to be conducted during research.

6. A questionnaire is used for collecting primary data for a quantitative study, what are some of the advantages associated with its usage?

I. Administered to few numbers of people simultaneously
II. Easy to test data for validity and reliability
III. Less time consuming than observation and interview
IV. Requires less skills to administer

7. The ............. style is the referencing style or format adopted by the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and other universities in the country.

8. To establish ......... the researcher needs to show that measures that should not be related in theory are indeed not related in the study.

9. During an interview, information is obtained through inquiry and recorded by enumerators. The types of interviews conducted by a researcher include

I. Computer assisted personal interview
II. Focus group interview
Ill. Paper-pencil interview
IV. Telephone interview

10. With this type of observation, the researcher observes the behaviour of a group of respondents after an external force is introduced or removed.

11. Osman has been tasked to write a research proposal for his marketing company; which of the following information should be included .....

I. Background to the study
II. Information on data processing procedures
III. List of research objectives and questions
IV. Result and discussion

12. In business research,........... variables are measured across a set of fixed values, whereas ....... variables are measured along a continuous scale which can be divided into fractions.

13. Rahmatu requires quantitative data for her project work. What type of data collection instrument will be appropriate?

14. Stephanie intends to collect data for her quantitative research work. The foliowing are the guidelines she should consider in constructing a good research instrument for her research.

I. Avoid single-barrelled questions
II. Avoid simple and clear language
III. Use warranted assumptions
IV. Use leading questions

15. According to Stevens (1946), the four measurement scales include nominal ........ , ........ and .........

16. This is a type of decision error that occurs when the researcher rejects a null hypothesis when it is true.

17. Reliability is the extent to which the measurement processes measure the variable it claims to measure.

18. John, a marketing student of the University of Cape Coast, intends to use the ordinal scale for his research. Which types of descriptive statistics are allowable with such a scale?

I. Mode
II. Median
Ill. Range
IV. Mean

19. Descriptive research design is one of the important designs adopted in research. Under this major design, ......

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