Business Research Methods Sem 2 Exams Ucc CoDE 2019/2020 Questions And Answers

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Answer Two (2) Questions from this section

Question 1
With relevant examples, state the four (4) levels of measurement as used in business research [8 marks]
Identify the three (3) common research data collection instruments employed in business research [6 marks]
State six (6) common sources of gathering information for writing a literature review [6 marks]


Question 2
A. Identify any four (4) key components required when writing a
research report [8 marks]
State any three (3) advantages and disadvantages each of the use of interviews as a qualitative data collection tool. [6 marks]
In constructing a good and quality questionnaire, state six guidelines a researcher should follow [6 marks]


Question 3
Define a research proposal and state any six (6) components of a
research proposal [9 marks]
Identify any three (3) types of methods under probability sampling suitable for a quantitative research [6 marks]
State any five (5) characteristics of a quality business research. [5 marks]


Question 4
Define business research and briefly state any three (3) reasons for conducting business research [8 marks]
State six (6) ethical issues to consider in any business research [6 marks]
Identify any six (6) software packages used in processing data for either a qualitative or a quantitative research [6 marks]

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1. What type of measurement scale is suitable for Okoro's project work?

2. Okoro will be expected to gather data for her project, indicate the type of data collection instrument she will require.

3. What type of sampling procedure is appropriate for this project work?

4. A research report must tell you, your supervisor and a reviewer what you intend to do; how you intend to do it and why you selected the strategy.

5. Custom-tailored research questions are questions which have been formulated and tested by previous researchers and have been recorded in literature.

6. During the measurement process, the careful definition of terms to be measured based on theories and the views of other researchers is termed as

7. The type of non-probability sampling technique where the researcher employs his or her own "expert" judgement about who to include in the sample frame is referred to as …. sampling.

8. With this type of observation, the researcher observes the behaviour of a group of respondents after an external force is introduced or removed.

9. The extent to which a researcher's findings are consistently the same if the study were done over again is termed as

10. All the following are appropriate tools for processing primary data in a quantitative research except

11. Establishing validity involves ensuring that: there is a consensus
that the scale measures what it is supposed to measure and that the
measure correlates with the other measures of the same concept.
There various types of validity include:

I. Criterion validity
II. Face validity
III. Inter-rater validity
IV. Predictive validity

12. A questionnaire is used for collecting primary data for a
quantitative study, what are some of the advantages associated
with its usage?
I. Administered to few numbers of people simultaneously
II. Easy to test data for validity and reliability
III. Less time consuming than observation and interview
IV. Requires less skills to administer

13. To establish ……, the researcher needs to show that measures that should not be related in theory are indeed not related in the study.

14. This type of analytical tool is used to find out how changes in the value of an independent variable will affect changes in the value of a dependent variable.

15. There are several guidelines that can be followed to ensure that you derive optimum benefits from the acquisition or usage of ICT for research. Which of the following is not an element in the guideline?

16. The ….. population is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions. It is from this population that the researchers draw their samples.

17. This is a key element in research which focuses on scientifically selecting representative subset out of the population for a research work.

18. During an interview, information is obtained through inquiry and
recorded by enumerators. The types of interyiews conducted by
researcher include
I. Computer assisted personal interview
II. Focus group interview
III. Paper-pencil interview
IV. Telephone interview

19. In a business research, a researcher can obtain data from the
following external sources.
I. Government records
II. Miscellaneous reports
III. Published electronic sources
IV. Unpublished personal records

20. This type of data collection instrument is associated with systematically noting and recording events, behaviours, and artifacts in the social setting chosen for the study.


Answer Two (2) Questions from this section

Question 1
With relevant examples, state the four (4) levels of measurement as used in business research [8 marks]
Identify the three (3) common research data collection instruments employed in business research [6 marks]
State six (6) common sources of gathering information for writing a literature review [6 marks]


Question 2
A. Identify any four (4) key components required when writing a
research report [8 marks]
State any three (3) advantages and disadvantages each of the use of interviews as a qualitative data collection tool. [6 marks]
In constructing a good and quality questionnaire, state six guidelines a researcher should follow [6 marks]


Question 3
Define a research proposal and state any six (6) components of a
research proposal [9 marks]
Identify any three (3) types of methods under probability sampling suitable for a quantitative research [6 marks]
State any five (5) characteristics of a quality business research. [5 marks]


Question 4
Define business research and briefly state any three (3) reasons for conducting business research [8 marks]
State six (6) ethical issues to consider in any business research [6 marks]
Identify any six (6) software packages used in processing data for either a qualitative or a quantitative research [6 marks]

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