Child & Adolescent Dev. And Learning Sem 1 Quiz 1 UccCoDE 2020/2021

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1. One day in 1896, I was born in Geneva - Switzerland. My first scientific publication came out when I was ten years old. I obtained a PhD in Natural Sciences when I was 21 years. Who am I?

2. Some teachers in the classroom are professional teachers, others are not. Whatever the case may be every teacher should be ..... children

3. The virtue acquired at the third stage (initiative vrs guilt) of Erikson's psychosocial development is ....

4. Under which aspect of child and adolescent development will you place enculturation?

5. Maturational changes involving female ovaries and male testes can be classified under one of these.

6. The age span ranging from birth to adolescence can be called

7. The pattern and process of growth and development is characterized by

8. The changes that occur in children as they grow are biological and come from actions related to the genes in the body.

9. Language use is a distinct accomplishment of the human organism and other animals like the chimpanzee.

10. According to Stewart et. al (1983) a critical period is a specific time when an environmental event will have its greatest impact on the developing organism.

11. My name is Kofi. I am three years old. I was sick and was taken to the hospital. Dr. Hamill took my height and weight measurements and said my height measurement was ..... and my weight measurement was.....

12. The major achievement at the sensorimotor stage is

13. School children who are withdrawn unsociable, unfriendly and usually hostile in their own behavior may be the product of one of the following parents.

14. Behaviors that do not conform to the expectations of the social group can be referred to as

15. Amadu is 18 years of age. He easily accepts full responsibility of his actions and often acts independently. Place him under one of these:

16. Development in the cognitive domain includes all the under listed except

17. The processes and actions involved in internal mechanisms and external influences are ...... in nature.

18. Individual differences in children can be caused by all the under listed except

19. Development is continuous rather than discrete. This simply means

20. During the development of children, they grow horizontally somewhere along the line. This occurs at the ...... stage.

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