Child & Adolescent Dev. And Learning Sem 1 Quiz 2 UccCoDE 2021/2022

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1. All the following are characteristics of what learning is except is

2. Apart from the personal, environmental and hereditary factors other major factors that also influence learning include all the under-listed except

3. The four main types of pedagogy mentioned by Persaud (2019) do not include

4. Pedagogy stereotypes are mostly formed under the influence of all the following with the exception of ......... belief.

5. The group of psychologists who believes that the organism is neutral and passive until it is stimulated by environmental stimuli is referred to as the

6. Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) after his experiment evolved five key coneepts. One of them

7. This law refers to the strengthening or weakening of connection because of its consequence.

8. Under operant conditioning, response is

9. This type of learning technique involves no direct assistance but rather an encouragement from the teacher.

10. There are four main steps in reception learning. One of the underlisted is not part of what pupils are expected to do›under the steps.

11. Memory is like a tablet of wax on which sense impression could be imprinted. This was said by

12. All the under-listed factors can aid retention except

13. Who stated that transfer of learning "occurs when learning in one context or set of materials impacts on performance in another or with other related materials"

14. Marie France is a French lady. She does not understand the English language. If you want to talk to her about "pregnancy" or being "pregnant" what word would you use for her to understand?

15. The age span of childhood ranges from

17. All these are types of memory except .... memory

18. One of these does not belong to the sub-memories under the long-term memory.

19. Semantic memories are memories that are not part of our consciousness

20. With regards to schedules of reinforcement variable ratio (VR) produces high and stable rate of responses.

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