Citizenship Education Sem 1 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Questions & Answers

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1. The most fundamental of the rights is the right to

2. The legal process of acquiring citizenship status in a country is termed as

3. Which of the following was the central motivating factor for the development of the sense of citizenship among the Greek?

4. The type of right that isĀ  enjoyed by all Ghanaians by virtue of the fact that they are human beings is ....... right.

5. Which of the following was not true about the Greeks?

6. Which among the following is true about liberal conception of citizenship?

7. One way of acquiring citizenship under the 192 constitution of Ghana includes all of the following except.......

8. The right that citizens of a country enjoy are determined by.......

9. When citizen participation refers to communities, participation poses questions of ......

10. The right of a Ghanaian citizen to contest in a District Assembly election is an example of ......... right.

11. Which among the following is odd about the purpose of citizens' participation?

12. A personally responsible citizen has al the following attributes except

13. Fundamental human rights of the individual are inalienable?

14. Which of the following types of citizenship allows the citizens to question the existing structures in the society and the rationale for their existence?

15. The classical conceptions of citizenship mandates the state to respect and protect the civil and political rights of the citizens.

16. The commonest way of acquiring citizenship status is ........

17. A non-traditional way of acquiring citizenship is through......

18. The right of the individual to sue and to be sued can be said to be .......... rights.

19. The type of marriage contracted by people with the view of gaining residence permit and to acquire a citizenship status in a foreign nation is ........ marriage.

20. Which of the following is an indication of the Greeks appreciation on the importance of human freedom?

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