Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. Link Road in Accra cannot be the road to Tema Beach Road. Tema Beach Road is a gravel road and Link Road in Accra is paved.

2. Which of the following sentences is not a statement?

3. Which of the following is an argument?

4. Which of the following is not an inductive argument?

5. A deductive argument always proceeds from

Complete the exercises below (6-10) with the following (options):
Modus ponens, issue, sarcasm, loaded question, innuendo, appeal to ignorance, slippery slope, appeal to the people, red herring, appeal to force, Modus tollens, a formal fallacy, an informal fallacy (Note that you may not need all the options) (5 Marks)

The fallacy in which the arguer attempts to create a mob mentality

7. Have you stopped smoking marijuana?..........

8. Given that I am a footballer, I am famous. I am a footballer. It follows that I am famous.

9. A fallacy that can be detected through mere inspection of the structure of an argument is.............

10. The bandwagon argument is a variety of.......

11. "Praise and worship the Lord each morning" is an example of

12. Which of the following is not true of Critical Thinking?

13. One very essential ingredient coherence.

14. Pick out the odd item in the following items of mood of sentences.

15. A/An ............ occurs when an expression has more than one meaning

16. Whenever a deductive argument has a false conclusion, then we know that the argument is

17. If an inductive argument has all true premises and a probably false conclusion, then we know it is

18. Which of the following sentences is a proposition?

19. Which of the following is a deductive argument?

20. Which of the following is a premise indicator?

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