Curriculum Studies In Social Studies Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. Curricular are designed for a purpose. Where is the the final destination of any curriculum that is developed?

2. All the following are factors influencing the implementation of a curriculum in schools except

3. The formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process, and product of the curriculum falls under which of the following?

4. The social studies IHS syllabus is organized and structured under how many major themes.

5. Each section of the social studies syllabus at the JHS level is structured into how many columns?

6. Hidden curriculum, is sometimes called the "unstudied curriculum".

7. The way that a school or academic program is organized and operated can convey messages to students in the form of a hidden curriculum.

8. A worthwhile curriculum is never static.

9. Implementation is an interaction between those who have created the programme and those who are charged to deliver it.

10. Summative evaluation can take place during the project implementation.

11. Which of the following can best be described as a blue print that guides the academic content otherwise referred to as course work?

12. All the following are factors that determine a curriculum except

13. The level and the arrangement of the curriculum elements that occur across subjects is referred to as

14. Educators who focus on a curriculum that highlight social reform as the aim of education are referred to as

15. All the following are examples of subject-centered curriculum designs except

16. Under which column can evaluation be found in the social studies JH syllabus structure?

17. All the following are the factors that call for the revision of the social studies curriculum except change in

18. "Curriculum design becomes curriculum proper when it is adopted in the classroom". Who made this assertion?

19. All the following are examples of subject centred curriculum designs except the

20. Diagnostics evaluation is very important in the use of a curriculum. All the following are benefits of diagnostic evaluation except it

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