Curriculum Studies In Social Studies Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. How many sections are in the JHS social studies syllabus?

2. How many periods are allocated to the teaching of social studies according to the JHS social studies syllabus?

3. Each section of the syllabus is structured into how many columns?

4. All the following are dimensions of the profile dimension except

5. What percentage is given to "Attitudes and Values" as far as profile dimensions of social studies curriculum is concerned?

6. What percentage is given to "Use of Knowledge" as far as profile dimensions of social studies curriculum is concerned?

7. What percentage is given to "Knowledge and understanding" as far as profile dimensions of social studies curriculum is concerned?

8. All the following are the aims and objectives of the social studies syllabus except to

9. All the following are the reasons for teaching social studies teachers the social studies syllabus except to

10. Who conceptualized assessment as the use of empirical data on student learning to refine programmes and improve student learning.

11. It is the most generic concept which applies to any alteration in instruction or in the educationally arranged conditions surrounding instruction. Which of the following is being referred to?

12. It takes the process one step closer to use in that, it refers to the process which leads up to and include the decisions to proceed with a new curriculum or curricular direction. Which of the following is being referred to?

13. He said "curriculum implementation means the open use of a programme throughout an entire school system". Who is the "He" being referred to?

14. Those aspects of schooling, other than the intentional curriculum, that seem to produce changes in student values, perceptions, and behaviours. Which of the following curriculum types takes care of this statement?

15. All the following constitute the sections of the JHS syllabus from JHS 1-3 except

16. The specific objectives begin with numbers such as 1.3.5 or 2.2.1. These numbers are referred to as

17. A unit in the social studies syllabus consists of a more related homogeneous body of knowledge and skills.

18. The School Based Assessment (SBA) in social studies is based on two of the profile dimensions.

19. A 'dimension' is a psychological unit for describing a particular learning behaviour.

20. A worthwhile curriculum is static.

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