Curriculum Studies In Social Studies Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. All the following are factors that determine a curriculum except

2. The level and the arrangement of the curriculum elements that occur across subjects is referred to as

3. Which curriculum type deals with all the activities for which the school time table allocates specific periods and teaching time- programs of work to be covered during normal school hours?

4. Most prospective teachers confuse their beliefs with the ideas of teaching. Who made this assertion about education?

5. Idealism is considered one of the oldest philosophical systems as far as education is concerned. Which philosopher is credited with the coining of idealism as one of the philosophies in education/ curriculum development?

6. The Physical Sciences, Natural Sciences and Family Life Education are all examples of which type of curriculum design?

7. Curriculum development highlights the important features of curriculum making as a co-operative planning activity of many stakeholders of the education system.

8. The Objectives of a curriculum influence the organization of the content and learning experiences.

9. Oronstein and Hunkins observe that, when designing a curricular stance, educators must first consider the physical environment and the levels of the learners.

10. Wheeler's model of curriculum development is an attempt to provide answers to the questions raised about Tyler's model.

11. Which of the following explains the curriculum as "a course of study to be taught to students in an educational institution?"

12. One of the Midway definitions of a curriculum is "all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside and outside the school". Identify the one who gave this definition.

13. The curriculum is the sum total of educationally valuable experiences the learners undergo, under the guidance of the school or other training institutions. This definition of a curriculum falls under one of the following.

14. One of the criticisms against the midway definitions of the curriculum is that it is "too broad to be functional in the planning stage, as the experiences that learners will actually have as they interact with the curriculum cannot be circumscribed". Who made this observation?

15. Which of the following can best be described as a blue print that guides the academic content otherwise referred to as course work?

16. Realism is considered one of the oldest philosophical systems as far as education is concerned. Which philosopher is credited with the coining of realism as one of the philosophies in education/ curriculum development?

17. Pragmatism is considered one of the oldest philosophies in education. Which philosopher is credited with the coining of the term pragmatism?

18. Educators who focus on a curriculum that highlight social reform as the aim of education are referred to as ....

19. All the following are examples of subject-centered curriculum designs except

20. Which of these curriculum designs is the oldest and most widely used form of curriculum organization?

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