Curriculum Studies In Social Studies Seme 2 Quiz 2 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. "Effective implementation of innovations requires time, personal interaction and contacts, in-service training and other forms of people-based support". Who made this assertion?

2. What is Kurt Lewin (1951) associated with?

3. Curriculum implementation is the process of putting a change into practice. This definition has been attributed to

4. Which of these curriculum implementation approaches fails to recognize that there are some unplanned learning outcomes that are desirable

5. Curricular are designed for a purpose. Where is the the final destination of any curriculum that is developed?

6. All the following are factors influencing the implementation of a curriculum in schools except

7. The formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process, and product of the curriculum falls under which of the following?

8. All the following are benefits of formative assessment except

9. The most widely used curriculum evaluation model is the CIPP Model. Who is credited with this model of curriculum evaluation?

10. "Social students comprise all subjects, which integrate human experience and knowledge for the purpose of civic education". Identify the one who gave this definition of social studies

11. Some sources claim the term "philosophy" was coined by Pythagoras. Between which years did he live?

12. All the following are among the rationale for teaching Social Studies except to

13. All the following are the aims and objectives of teaching Social Studies except

14. All the following but one is the reason for teaching Social Studies teaches the aims and objectives of the social studies syllabus.

15. The Social Studies JHS syllabus is organized and structured under how many major themes.

16. Each section of the Social Studies syllabus at the JHS level is structured into how many columns?

17. Under which column can evaluation be found in the Social Studies JHS syllabus structure?

18. Profile dimensions describe all but one of the underlying behaviours

19. The ability to put parts together to form a new whole under the application of knowledge under profile dimension, falls under

20. The hidden curriculum is described as "hidden" because.

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