Diverse Learning Needs / Special Education Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Inclusion is concerned with all the following except

2. The term inclusion was first discussed at a UNESCO conference in Salamanca, Spain, in June 1990.

3. Why should assessors not discriminate in the assessment process?

4. Why should assessment data be properly recorded?

5. What is the purpose of educational trip?

6. A seven-year-old child has serious problems in communication. What is the best assistive device to use to help her?

7. This type of peer tutoring involves a teacher pairing learners who need additional instruction or help with a peer who can assist them.

8. What are the types of task analysis?

I. Backward chaining
II. Forward chaining
III. Total task

9. It is a method used in teaching communication skills to learners and adults with severe to profound language difficulties.

10. If a teacher is to teach a child in small steps, the best instructional strategy to use is ....

11. Which of the following is the least important in educational field trip?

12. In planning for educational field trip, which of the following is not one of the steps to take?

13. What type of educational placement model does a teacher use if his or her interest is in the physical presence of a learner with disability in the regular schooi?

14. What type of model does a community use if in their interaction with the learner with disability they express sympathy?

15. Why is it important for teachers to know about the concept of individual differences?

16. What type of service does a learner receive if there is high intensity support across various environments?

17. In this type of specific learning disability, teachers find it very difficult to decipher the learner's handwriting.

18. The autistic learner has all the following characteristics except

19. Which of the following is not an example of personality disorders?

20. A team of experts has been tasked to classify types of hearing impairments. Which of the following will they include?

I. Age of Onset
II. Degree of Loss
III. Type of loss

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