Diverse Learning Needs / Special Education Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2022/2023

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1. The concept of inclusion is concerned with all the following except

2. Which of the following is not an international convention supporting inclusive education?

3. In recommending regular school for those with special educational needs, what two provisions did the Salamanca Statement make to accommodate their needs?

4. Negative attitudes lead to the following outcomes except ...

5. Inclusion takes place when the relationship between students and teachers is devoid of friendliness.

6. In this type of model, there is labelling and categorization since the problem has to be cured.

7. It is a situation where schools treat some children differently and do not include them in the school.

8. Which of the following is not a school barrier to the practice of inclusive education?

9. Whenever classification system for the intellectually disabled is based on the needs of the individual, the intervention type is based on support required.

10. Dyscalculia learners have challenges in all the following areas except

11. Which of the following provide reasons why we assess?

   I.  Collecting information
 II.  Identifying problems
III. Making educational decisions

12. Which of the following is not a factor to consider if assessment can be non-discriminatory?

13. Which of the following domains is not a factor to consider in making assessment comprehensive?

14. If validity connotes usefulness of data gathered, then reliability will be concerned with the

15. What is not included when considering external factors that influence a child's behaviour and learning?

16. It is the process of asking more qualified professionals to help you know more about the nature of a problem.

17. What type of teaching method is used when a pupil of the same class teaches his or her peer?

18. Which of the following cannot be used to determine if a three-year-old child deviates from the normative group?

19. In this type of peer assisted learning, two or more learners alternate between acting as the tutor and tutee during each session, with equitable time in each role.

20. What type of field trip is embarked on if the purpose is to see popular places and explore all of the attractions in that community or location such as museums?

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