Diverse Learning Needs / Special Education Sem 2 Quiz 2 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The following are teaching strategies for children with hearing impairment except

2. The main aim of portfolio assessment is to determine

3. Grade skipping is a kind of accommodation for students who are/have

4. The practice of exposing students to a wide variety of disciplines is a form ot

5. When smdents are taught verbal coping strategies that they repeat to themselves in problem situations, it can be described as

6. The following are teaching strategies for children with hearing impairment except

7. In the development of expressive skills, teachers need not give students opportunities to practice.

8. Prompts are features added to learning tasks.

9. The diagnostic prescriptive model of teaching can be applied to all areas of the curriculum.

10. Academic skills present substantial difficulties to students with physical disabilities.

11. The choice of an environment for eligible child for special education services depends on the

12. Professionals who make decisions on eligibility depend upon the results of

13. Information from screening is used for

14. Why is involvement of parents in assessment important?

15. A programme that is appropriate for helping a child to overcome his/her problem is termed

16. Ensuring validity and reliability of assessment tools means we are ensuring

17. A group of students from the basic school in your area was required to take a test under conditions which can be described as uniform or similar. Such test can be described as

18. Which of the following is a merit of formal assessment procedure? It ...

19. Which of the following strategies communicates to the student that attendance and punctuality are important?

20. In order to assist children with mental challenges, the teacher needs to emphasize the following except

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