English In Multilingual Contexts Sem2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. What is a national language?

2. The three Germanic tribes which brought English to the British Isles are ...

3. Identify which of the following Indo-European languages was spoken in England before English.

4. Which year according to the history of English did Middle English begin?

5. Indicate which of the following Germanic group of languages is the ancestor of Old English.

6. The punctuation of 'Dear Sir,' with a comma after 'Sir' is typical of American English,

7. Identify which of the following phonological feature distinguishes Outer Circle speakers of English from those belonging to Inner Circle.

8. The remnants of Latin can be seen in certain religious words such as

9. What is multilingualism? Having competence in ......

10. Who is an 'Afro-Saxon'?

11. Who is a polyglot?

12. What is a rhotic variety of English?

13. Identify which of the following factors facilitated the spread of English across the globe.

14. A simultaneous bilingual is a person who ....

15. Identify the monolingual nations from the countries listed below.

16. Indicate which of the following pronunciations is typical of American English.

17. The following linguistic feature distinguishes a Ghanaian English speaker from a standard British speaker.

18. A linguistic phenomenon where the meaning of a single word is extended to cover several meanings is known as ....

19. Indicate which of the following Ghanaian lexical item is as a result of semantic restriction.

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