English Language Studies I Sem 2 Quiz 2 UccCODE 2021/22

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1. A paragraph is strategically organized to maintain flow.

2. A colon is used at the end of a request or a suggestion.

3. good paragraph has four divisions.

4. The introductory paragraph supports the thesis statement in four

5. The strategies employed by good readers to improve understanding are called "repair" or "top-up" strategies.

6. There are ..... essential elements that an effective paragraph should have

7. Which of the following modes of writing makes use of figurative language?

8. The following are the essential elements of a paragraph except

9. The following are types of paragraphs except

10. Which punctuation mark does a better job of showing the connection between two statements than a full stop?

11. A paragraph which moves a reader from one to another is referred to as a/an ....... paragraph.

12. Good coherence can be achieved through the following except

14. What is the first step to writing a good composition?

15. Narrative writing is made of specific parts. How many parts do we have in narrative writing?

16. What makes it easier for the reader to follow the main ideas in the piece of writing?

17. Most paragraphs in an essay have a ........ part structure.

18. Which element of the paragraph is more commonly referred to as the flow of one's writing?

19. When a word or phrase refers to something mentioned later in the discourse, it is known as

20. The story structure of a narrative writing is referred to as the narrative

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