English Language Studies II Sem 1 Exams Section B Ucc CoDE 2022/2023

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a) Change the following from Passive to Active voice. [5 Marks]
i) My homework was being done when the lights went off.
ii) My morning chores are done every day.
iii) New workers were hired by the company last year.
iv) The letters have to be delivered by the messenger.
v) News reports are written by reporters.

b) Change the following from Active to Passive voice. [5 Marks]
i) My friend gives me a bar of chocolate every day.
ii) Respect your old friends.
iii) The messenger is going to deliver the letters.
iv) The students must do the work today.
v) The shopkeeper was helping the customer when the thieves entered the shop.


a) Change the following sentences from Indirect to Direct speech. [10 Marks]
i) John said that he did not like the behaviour of the students.
ii) The woman asked if we admired the new, shirts.
iii) Peter said that he had eaten all the food
iv) The lawyer enquired from the suspect whether he knew the punishment for his offence.
v) The headmaster warned the students to either obey the regulations or be dismissed.

b) Put the following sentences in their clausal elements (SV, SVC, etc.) [5 Marks]
i)Yesterday, the police arrested two armed robbers at their “ghetto”.
ii) John gave Jane a new wrist watch.
iii) Every year the admission process is revised.
iv) I am a programmer in this company
v) All the students who sat the examination passed the mathematics paper.


a) Join the following clauses with the appropriate coordinating conjunction. [5 Marks]
i)The main office has cut off our printing and copying budget. We will need to rely more on e-mail.
ii) The Sharks is great band. They only put up one album.
iii) You can eat your food with a spoon. You can eat your food with a fork.
iv) Adwoa refuses to eat mangoes. Adwoa will not refuse pawpaw.
v) I hate to waste a drop of gas. It is expensive these days.

b) Re-write the sentences correcting all concord errors if any. [5 Marks]
i)Neither the teacher nor the students was there.
ii) Some members of the teachers’ union wants to go on strike.
iii) The boss together with her secretary eat lunch at the same time.
iv) Not only the students but also the teacher were anxious to finish the lesson.
v) One of my best friends have been suspended for taking part in the demonstration.

c) Identify the mood (imperative, declarative, etc.) of each of the following sentences. [5 Marks]
i) Aminatu sells rice in the market.
ii) Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?
iii) The sun rises from the east.
iv) She only dry cell batteries for this radio.
v) Shut the door!

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