English Semantics & Meaning / Intro to Semantics Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. The scientific study of Semantics is based on

2. Which of the following "MEANING" can be studied scientifically?

The Language of Sermons is a feature of ...... MEANING.

4. Euphemistic expressions are common in .... MEANING.

5. Affective meaning is generally realized through

6. Which of the following Meanings can be codified?

7. The adjective HANDSOME collocates with the following NOUNS, except

8. "Hei, be careful of the Secretary. She's snake in the grass".

9. 'A writer is open to cg choices between grammatical constructions with varying emphais'

The above statement is a comment on .... MEANING.

10. The following are BARRIERS to absolute synonymy except

11. A linguistic situation in which two or more words share the same pronunciation but different forms/meanings is referred to as

12. Which of the following statements contains a PRESUPPOSITION?

13. Which of the following pairs constitutes GRADABLE ANTONYMY?

14. Consider the following statement.

  • I congratulate you on your new appointment
  • I thank you for coming

In terms of the Speech Acts Theory, the underlined verbs n the sentences above constitute

15. Linguistic context contains the following, except

16. "The country had no capital at the time'".

17. The meaning of words in a sentence can be independent of the total meaning of the sentence.

18. Whereas polysemous words are related, homonyous words are not. of students are unengaged learn more than in other classrooms.

19. IMMIGRATE and EMIGRATE are synonyms occasioned by phonological change.

20. Sentence meaning cab be initiated by 'aspects of verbs'.

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