English Semantics & Meaning / Intro to Semantics Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Which of the following concepts (meanings) can be studied scientifically?

2. "Tone of voice" is a medium associated with ..... meaning.

3. Euphemistic expressions are a characteristic of ..... meaning.

4. Which meaning is likely to be influenced by culture?

5. In connection with stylistic meaning, a letter or a memo or a report falls under

6. Absolute synonymy is restricted by ....... meaning.

7.  . Sore.   -    Saw
     . Feet.   -    Feat
     . Toe     -    Tow
     . See.    -    Sea

The words above constitute a lexical relation known as

8. "Immigrate" and "emigrate" are synonyms occasioned by

9. The following pairs of words are complementary antonyms, except

10.  . Happy   -   Sad
       . Long.     -   Short
       . Rich       -   Poor
       . Wide      -   Narrow

The above pairs of words are examples of ....... antonyms.

11. SENTENCE MEANING can be initiated by the following, except

12. Whereas sentence meaning deals with the linguistic items in the sentence, utterance meaning considers its

13. Considering the classes of performative verbs (Austin, 1962), the underlined verb in the sentence; "I congratulate you on your performance" is a/an

14. Situational Context includes the following, except

15. The adjective pretty collocates with the following nouns, except

16. 'She loves the soft ones' is a vague statement.

17. Whereas polysemous words are related, homonymous words are not.

18. 'David worked harder than George'.

The above statement presupposes that George didn't work.

19. "My 10-years-old son is now a big boy".

The above sentence is ambiguous because of wrong positioning of a prepositional clause.

20. The meaning of words in a sentence cannot be independent of the meaning of the sentence in which they occur.

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