English Semantics & Meaning / Intro to Semantics Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2022/2023

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1. SEMANTICS as a discipline is the meeting point of

2. The following statements are true of DENOTATIVE meaning, except

3. Which of these statements is not true of connotative meaning?

4. Which of the following statements is true about MEANING?

5. This MEANING generally conveys the speaker's feelings and shows his attitude to the listener or the topic.

In connection with ....... MEANING, people often use euphemisms to avoid using "taboo words".

7. Which MEANING is likely to be influenced by culture?

8. In terms of STYLE, a letter, a memorandum or a report falls under

9. The verb COMPOSE collocates with the following nouns, except

10. The adjective PRETTY collocates with the following nouns, except

11. The linguistic situation in which two or more words possess different forms but have the same pronunciation is referred to as

12. IMMIGRATE and EMIGRATE are synonymous through the process of

13. "We instructed the boys to lie down and they did. The underlined part of the above sentence provides context to

14. "Politicians who goof occasionally apologise"

There is ambiguity in the statement above due to .... 

15. Utterance meaning depends largely on its

16. 'Fati is now a big girl'

The statement above contains lexical ambiguity


In terms of concord, the word FLYING in the above sentence is a verb.

18. "The boy pretended to be lucky' presuppose that the boy was lucky.

19. Meaning is thus, a set of stimuli and responses which govern or surround the use of language'

20. "Colourless green ideas sleep furiously" (Chomsky) The above statement is ambiguous.

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