English Semantics & Meaning / Intro to Semantics Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The following statement are true of denotative meaning except

2. Denotative meaning is variously called the following except ...... meaning.

3. In connection with ..... meaning, people often use euphemisms to avoid "taboo words".

4. Which meaning is likely to be influenced by culture?

5. For many Ghanaians, the word AIDS conveys a/an ...... meaning associated with a disease.

6. Tone of voice is a medium associated with ..... meaning.

7. Stylistic meaning has the following features, except ....

8. The ...... meaning provides choices between grammatical constructions with varying emphasis.

9. Compose (Verb) collocates with the following nouns, except

10. Absolute synonymy is restricted by ..... meaning.

11. Lore - Law
      Sew - Sow
      Raw - Roar
      See - Sea
The above pairs of words constitute a lexical relation known as

12. Mouth of gun
      Mouth of a river
      Mouth of a bag

The word MOUTH in the phrase above is an example of

13. Which of the following words is a gradable antonym?

14. Barriers to absolute synonymy include the following except

15. The following pairs are converse antonyms except

16. Whereas polysemous words are related, homonymous words are not.

17. Beautiful and pretty are absolute synonyms.

18. . Some hens lay eggs everyday.
      . The baby lay in the cot. 

The underlined words (LAY) in the sentences above are both homographs and homophones.

19. "The new secretary is a fox'

The word FOX in the above sentences carries an ASSOCIATIVE meaning.

20. In Semantics, MEANING is derived from the speaker's point of view.

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