Forms And Functions Of The English Clause Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2022/2023

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1. In a declarative clause, there is a/an

2. In an imperative clause, the pronoun ..... is mostly implied.

3. "What a beauty you are" is an example of a/an ....... clause.

4. The direct object in "Esi demanded that we help them" is ....

S. "The car almost ran into the gutter". Identify the prepositional complement in the sentense.

6. The indirect object in "The mother sent food to the injured son" is

7. What is the noun phrase in "The people decided to ask for help"?

8. What clause is the underlined in "This is what I don't like?

9. What is the function of the underlined clause in question 8 above?

10. What is the "that' clause in "The commentator predicted that the match will end goalless.

11. The omission of that in "We are sorry that we could not respond to your request", will make the sentence ungrammatical.

12. Nominal interrogative clauses are introduced by a ....

13. Which of the following subordinators is used to introduce 'Yes/No' interrogative clause?

14. A nominal relative clause requires ...... in the adjective complement.

15. In "He is aware of what I write", identify the nominal relative clause.

16. The choice of relative pronoun in a relative clause is determined by

17. The man ...... dog fell into the pond has brought another dog.

18. To introduce a subject into a To-infinitive clause, one has to precede the subject with

19. When you are ready, call me. The underlined is an

20. "He has come in order to talk to you" is an example of non-finite purpose clause.

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