General Biology Sem 1 Exams Ucc CoDE 2021/2022 Questions And Answers

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Section B
Answer any TWO questions from this section

Question 1
a) Differentiate between excretion and egestion. (4 marks)
b) With illustrative diagrams, describe a simple experiment you will use to demonstrate breathing in humans. (16 marks)

Question 2
a) Tabulate two differences between plant and animal cells. (4 marks)
b) Describe how the circulatory system functions as a nutrient and waste transport system. (16 marks)

Question 3
a) Explain two significance of osmoregulation. (4 marks)
b) Describe how urine is formed in humans (16 marks)

Try answering ALL questions and click on SHOW ANSWERS at the bottom of the page to see the suggested answers. All the best!!

1. A dog is classified as, Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Canis, familiaries. Identify the Order of the dog?

2. According to the modern system of classification, which of the listed organisms will Bacillus cereus closely resemble?

3. Similarities in organisms are best seen among members at the .... taxon.

4. Which of the following groups of organisms do not fall under chordates?

5. In which one of the following taxa do members have very similar features and are closely related but cannot produce fertile offspring?

6. The only substance excreted in faces is.....

7. The basic unit of structure and function of the kidney is the......

8. In order to maintain body temperature balance, surface blood vessels ...... when body temperature rises.

9. The hollow core of arteries is known as ......

10. The time of ventricular relation during the first part of a heart beat can be described as ....

11. An epigynous flower is likely to have its ovary situated...

12. Most digestion and all absorption of food take place in the...

13. All the following groups of vertebrates have homodont dentition except ....

14. The presence of villi in the ileum.....

15. Monocotyledonous plants have the following features except

16. The strength and rigidity of bacteria cell wall is due to the presence of ..

17. The ..... is the opening through which the testes descend into the scrotum.

18. The diploid daughter cell that begins meiosis in sperm production is known as...

19. The onset of menstrual cycle in humans is termed as ....

20. Heart attack is mostly caused by a/an ........ to the heart

Section B
Answer any TWO questions from this section

Question 1
a) Differentiate between excretion and egestion. (4 marks)
b) With illustrative diagrams, describe a simple experiment you will use to demonstrate breathing in humans. (16 marks)

Question 2
a) Tabulate two differences between plant and animal cells. (4 marks)
b) Describe how the circulatory system functions as a nutrient and waste transport system. (16 marks)

Question 3
a) Explain two significance of osmoregulation. (4 marks)
b) Describe how urine is formed in humans (16 marks)

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